The Stormy Day

The Stormy Day

The stormy day sent by God,
to help His lost child find the way.
He was always a good little boy.
Merely this time, he took his own way.

Not being perfect, differed his way from God’s.
Not too far from God he walked along.
Thinking he was obedient to God’s commands.
He felt that astray he had not gone.

Having grown to the stature of a man,
was called to serve God in a chosen land.
Wanting so much to serve with his all,
but differed, all the work by his hand.

Realizing this, he wanted to change,
and on that lovely stormy day,
in his own path next to God’s,
this man realized that he had gone astray.

Wanting for the welfare of his soul,
but being on a path so close to God,
he prayed for help to know what to do.
And began thinking about what he did wrong.

He had neglected the repentance of his sins.
Leaving them unresolved and in the past,
being afraid to confront his offended.
A huge weight, to himself, he had cast.

Having so much knowledge and wisdom,
but failing to do anything with it.
He had lost the pathway to God’s kingdom.
Having known all he needed to obtain it.

Now this man has to decide
what will he do with what he learned.
Will he let life happen to him,
or Noble and Great, will he become?

By: Matt Tubbs
3 October 2005


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